Hydraulic equipment catalogue

Hydraulic power unit MI-928 with a managment cabinet for the metallurgical industry

Hydraulic power unit MI-928 with a managment cabinet for the metallurgical industry


We present a power pack "MI-928" with a management cabinet for the metallurgical industry by Motorimpex group of companies.

Pressure rating: 200 bar.

Tank volume: 120 liters.

In general the process of calculations, design and production by the design bureau and manufacturing enterprises of Motorimpex took 8 working days, but we had to wait for some ordered details.

Installed hydraulic equipment from Italian and Polish manufacturers:

— QVHZO proportional flow controller from the manufacturer "Atos",

— 4WE6 directional control valve and Z2S6 hydraulic lock – "Ponar",

— mounting plate our own design and manufacture of Motorimpex company,

— return filter FHP0653, filling and oil indicator by "MPFiltri",

— gear hydraulic pumps MGP2K19 "Oleodinamica Mozioni",

— heat-exchanger SA081 "OMT",

— relief VMP and check valves VU  "Oleodinamica Marchesini",

— programmable oil level sensors LR3000 "IFM",

— control cabinet own development and manufacturing of Motorimpex company.

To order a hydraulic power station in any industry or consult with a hydraulic engineer, call and message us:

+38 (095) 000-30-10

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