"Motorimpex" company provides you with wide variety of hydraulic equipment, unlimited range of application

One of the main specialized directions, which "Motorimpex" manufacture hydraulic power units and hydraulic control systems for, is metalworking.

In metalworking section in "Equipment and tools for professionals" describes experience, capabilities and structure, which provides services from the formulation of the necessary technical parameters to the launch of a hydraulic system at an industrial or mobile facility.

Гидравлика для металлообработки от «Моторимпекс» | Гидрооборудование – стр.1

Гидравлика для металлообработки от «Моторимпекс» | Гидрооборудование – стр.2

Гидравлика для металлообработки от «Моторимпекс» | Гидрооборудование – стр.3